Collective Change


We refer to our Theory of Change as the Collective Flywheel.

Collective Flywheel

Listen | Learn

Our approach starts with community engagement, and ends with community engagement. We listen to learn from people’s lived experience, engage community members typically left out of conversations, uplift marginalized voices and hear their stories. In the process, we build relationships and trust, identify community leaders, community assets and resources.



We take community-informed data (small data) and align it with data research (big data) to better understand structural and systemic issues, assets, gaps and key stakeholders within the ecosystem. This unique systems map allows us to synthesize data across many different fields and identify solutions that get to the root cause of systemic issues.


Collective Action

Partnerships are core to our methodology. We aim to build the capacity of organizations, and to solve complex community issues through multi-faceted solutions that bring in experts from various backgrounds. We believe in cross-pollination and connecting ideas from different sources.


Collective Impact

We measure our impact on four dimensions: an individual level, an organizational level, a community level and a systems level. We believe in evaluation and monitoring for continual performance improvement.

How we get there is more important than the destination. Let’s do it Collectively.